Freedom is not about being free to do whatever you like or speak whatever comes from your head. We all need freedom....from what? From all the things that hold you back and stop you from growing. It's about being free from the pain inside, free from fear and unhappiness. We all like to be happy. It is an inner journey that each one of us must make if we are to fulfill our life's purpose.
In the last century, when Mahatma Gandhi appeared on the world scene, he commented that our enemy is not another country or another individual.....but that there are demons inside each one of us. He claimed that his first task, even before addressing any political change in the country, was to chase away the demons within himself. A century later, this message cannot be any different. It is a timeless message and is still relevant for us today.
If we look at the present world situation and its multiple problems, it becomes clear that neither more wealth nor more technology can solve any of these issues. These are temporary solutions. Wars begin in the minds of men, so too all the problems have their roots in the mind. Ultimately the cause of the problem is the human mind and we have to put that right. We need to chase away the inner demons.
We are all gifted with a very refined faculty called the mind.....but it comes without any manual. Even in the field of psychology, to understand the mind is considered to be a challenging task. To understand and recognize our own inner demons is not something we can manage on our own. It requires help and guidance.
Over the past few years, myself and many others have been students of the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University. As we studied the philosophy of life and meditation techniques taught by this University, we had many experiences. We gained deeper insights into how the mind works, a clear understanding of the source of human sorrow and recognition of the hidden enemy within. We discovered easy methods to free ourselves from deeply ingrained weaknesses.
The whole subject of the mind and spirituality is abstract. My deepest wish is that you spend some valuable time on this inner journey, that we all find and recognize our own inner demons and attain victory over them. I know that my journey would not have been possible if I did not have the practical guidance and company of that Supreme Friend that is God and for that I am grateful.
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