Thursday, May 1, 2008

True Fragrance

There are unlimited brands of perfumes and fragrances in the market. Sometimes we go all out to spend whatever amount it takes to purchase the best perfume for the body. We love to get compliments from our friends for the fragrance that we exude, but does it really make me feel enough. At moments I may feel empty inside. So do I feel beautiful then?

True beauty comes from having fresh, positive and beautiful thoughts everyday. Just as we need to shower, cleanse our body and spray some perfume everyday so that we keep our body fragrant and fresh, we tend to forget to cleanse our minds to give it the right fragrance.

Just as we refrain from eating stale food and know that fresh food is good for my body, how about my mind. Don't we need fresh thoughts (food) everyday for our minds? Indeed we do. Thoughts of irritation and anger does not make me beautiful. But about thoughts of love, compassion, courage. How does that make you feel?

This is why the saying "beauty is skin deep" is not true. It is definitely deeper than the skin and it comes from deep within....from our spirit.

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